Our purpose for youth ministry at Neuse Baptist Church can be best summed up from the first phrase of Philippians 3:10, “That I may know Him…” 

We want our teens to desire to know God above all else. As our teens come to know their God, we want these three things to happen:

1. They will be Saved (II Peter 3:9, John 3:16, Romans 2:4)

2. They will be Surrendered (Isaiah 6:8, James 4:7)

3. They will be Serving (I Samuel 3:10, Philippians 2:5-7) 

We are committed to doing all we can to equip teens to live for Christ today, and to help them make right decisions according to God's plan for their lives.

Our Students enjoy various ministry opportunities and activities that include:

Teen Sunday School:

Teen Sunday School takes place every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:15. This is a time for us to slow down and dive a little deeper into God’s Word. In Sunday School, we will study topics that apply to the teens life as well as different portions of Scripture. We want this to be a time where the teens can ask questions and learn to apply the Bible practically by discussion and application. 

Wednesday Night Youth Group: 

Wednesday night youth group is a time set apart just for our teens. Not every Wednesday night youth group is the same, but the night will usually consist of announcements, a quick game, singing, prayer, and preaching. In youth group, the teens will hear preaching on various topics that pertain to their lives, as well as studies through books of the Bible. Teens are always encouraged to invite their friends to both Wednesday Night Youth Group and Sunday school! 


Throughout the year we will have several activities for our teens to take part of. We usually try to have one main activity each month with occasional months having two activities. These activities are used to breakdown barriers, build friendships, unite our teens as a group, and to simply have fun in a safe and godly environment! 


Each summer we will take our teens to a Bible-preaching Christian camp. Camp is one the most exciting and memorable things our teens can take part in each year! The purpose of going to camp is to remove our teens from the influence of the world and place them in an atmosphere where they will be saturated in God’s Word all week. We pray that by going to camp our teens will grow spiritually, be strengthened in their Christian walk, and have some fun at the same time. 

Teen Takeover Services: 

Teen takeover services are a chance for our teens to serve and worship the Lord by using their God-given abilities in a church service. In these services, our teens have the opportunity to sing, play, testify, and preach. We believe that these services give our young people a chance to use their gifts for the Lord, as well as be a blessing to the congregation of Neuse Baptist Church. We want our teens to understand that they are a part of the church now and it is their responsibility to get involved even in their teen years.

The leadership of Neuse's Student Ministry endeavors to support the parent's God-given role of fostering the spiritual development of their teenager. Student Ministries consist of young people in grades 7-12.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office at (919) 876-0440 or email Pastor Josh at joshstewart@neusebaptist.com.


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